I'm about to go help my sister with her twin three-year-olds while she figures out the routine of having twin three-year-olds
and brand new twin infants. Children under the age of twelve want all your attention all the time, so I hope to go prepared with quality books, movies with actual plots, and music that doesn't make me want to rip my ears off. First, the books.
I'd never heard of it before, but it's well-regarded on GoodReads.
$1.62+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$21.60 through
Powell's Portlander price: $5.61
A Very Special House
I just discovered Ruth Krauss as the author of the Sendak-illustrated Bears. A lot of her books look great!
$5.45+$3.99 at Amazon
Powell's Burnside and HawthornePortlander price: $9.44
I Can Fly
Another intriguing Krauss book.
$0.16+$3.99 shipping at
$1.95 at Powell's HawthornePortlander price: $1.95
The Carrot Seed
Another intriguing Ruth Krauss book. It sounds like it might be more satisfying to patient adult readers than to squirmy toddlers, but I'll see how the kids like it.
$0.95+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$6.99 at
Powell's BurnsidePortlander price: $4.94
Where The Wild Things Are 
I don't remember reading this as a child, and the vague recollection I have of reading it to my baby sister has us stopping early on because she was bored. Maybe, like me, she couldn't relate to being a the kind of brat the kid in the book is. But man oh man do people love this book! I'll give it one more chance.
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$12.50 at
Powell's BeavertonPortlander price: $4
Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus
This sounds, and looks, based on the pages Amazon would let me see, really fun. Yeah, encouraging kids to say "No" might not be a brilliant move. But I only have to deal with the consequences for a month...
$4.55+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
Not at Powell's
Portlander price: $8.54
Hippos Go Berserk
Looks fun, and two of Boynton's other books have been popular with some kid or another I've babysat (I can't remember which).
$0.47+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$7.99 at
Powell's Burnside and HawthornePortlander price: $4.46
But Not the Hippopotamus
Another well-regarded Boynton hippo book.
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at
$3.95 at Powell's BurnsidePortlander price: $3.95
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 
My niece and nephew have had this for a couple years, and it's on the heavy-rotation shelf, so they must like it.
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$16.95 at
Powell's HawthornePortlander price: $4
I remember reading this when I was 8 or 10 for some reason and hating it, but I think it was intended for my little sisters, not me. I'll see how some younger kids like it.
$1.49+$3.99 shipping at
$3.95 at Powell's BeavertonPortlander price: $3.95
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 
An incredibly gorgeous book. This was one of my sisters' favorite books when she was about five, and younger kids enjoy turning the pages and poking their fingers in the holes.
$2.50+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$19 + shipping from
Powell'sPortlander price: $6.49
One, Two, Three
An educational Boynton book that sounds fun.
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at
$4.95 at
Powell's BeavertonPortlander price: $4
The Going-To-Bed Book
This is one of the Boynton books one of my babysitting charges really enjoys. If I recall correctly, it even helped get the kid to sleep!
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at
$5.99 at
Powell's BeavertonPortlander price: $4
Snuggle Puppy
Oof. This book. It's great, it's sweet, and at least one kid I know loves it, but it requires singing. Don't read it in front of other people if you're self-conscious.
$0.01+$3.99 at
$3.95 at Powell's BeavertonPortlander price: $3.95
Moo, Baa, La La La!
Boynton rules the pre-school set. This book sounds fun.
$0.01+$3.99 at
$3.50 at Powell's BurnsidePortlander price: $3.50
Barnyard Dance!
I'm betting my farm-kid niece and nephew have this one -- it rings a bell -- but if so, perhaps I'll have an extra copy on hand for the myriad other children people my age are producing.
$0.01+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$9.95+shipping from
Powell'sPortlander price: $4
Pat The Bunny
In the heavy-rotation of one of my babysitting charges.
$0.50+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$9.99 at
Powell's Burnside and HawthornePortlander price: $4.49
The Very Lonely Firefly
Another gorgeous Eric Carle book, well-regarded on GoodReads.
$3.41+$3.99 shipping at
$9.50 at
Powell's HawthornePortlander price: $7.40
Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy!
A tactile Boynton book that sounds fun for kids.
$1.81+3.99 shipping at Amazon
$6.95 at
Powell's HawthornePortlander price: $5.80
I found this book
recommended by the New York Times when I went looking, fruitlessly, for a comment Naomi Wolf supposedly made about "Where The Wild Things Are." Learning about the existence of Ruth Krauss was more valuable by far than finding a more erudite feminist to do my talkin' for me.
$0.42+$3.99 shipping at
$6.50 at
Powell's BurnsidePortlander price: $4.41
Your Personal Penguin
Played out as they are, I still love penguins.
$0.99+$3.99 shipping at
$6.95 at
Powell's Burnside and HawthornePortlander price: $4.98
Goodnight Goodnight Sleepyhead
A sweet-looking Krauss book. Amazon recommends it for 4-8 year olds, but given the simple subject, I just can't believe that's right.
$3.20+$3.99 at
$6.99 at Powell's BurnsidePortlander price: $6.99
A Child's First Alphabet Book
Auntie Jami loves her an educational book, potential boringness be darned!
$4.49+$3.99 shipping at Amazon
$8.99 at
Powell's Burnside and HawthornePortlander price: $8.48