Apples in Stereo - Stephen, Stephen [YouTube][Buy mp3!!!]
Don't tell me you've forgotten how brave Stephen Colbert is already.
Elvis Perkins - While You Were Sleeping [YouTube][Buy mp3!!!]
Cursory Googling didn't yield a clear answer on whether this song means to Elvis Perkins what it does to me. The song I hear when I listen to this is indeed partly about Perkins' mother's death on 9/11. It's also about the sleeping country awakened that day. Sad, but hopeful, I think.
But what do I know. It could be about his girlfriend taking a long nap.
Winterpills - Broken Arm [Buy mp3!!!]
The lyrics are all over the map, but there's politics in 'em.
The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance [Buy mp3!!!]
This is just a fun song about salmon, but up here in the PNW, that's political, innit?
Nellie McKay - Mother of Pearl [Buy mp3!!!]
According to Ms. McKay, I'm doubly blessed with no sense of humor, as both a feminist and a vegetarian. Heh heh heh heh heh heh.
Cocorosie - Rainbowarriors [YouTube][Buy mp3!!!]
This makes me hippy-dippy freak-folk happy.
Smog - I Feel Like the Mother of the World [YouTube][Buy mp3!!!]
This song always reminds me of how my mom used to make us warring sisters sit in the same chair and hold hands as punishment. I think Bush could benefit from closer exposure to Middle Eastern people who are not outlandishly rich sheiks.
The Thermals - Here's Your Future [Buy mp3!!!]
More about religion than politics, but then in the "God Bless America (or else)" Bush years, they're not so different.
Ted Leo - Loyal to My Sorrowful Country [Buy mp3!!!]
No explanation needed.
Tokyo Police Club - Your English is Good [YouTube][Buy mp3!!!][Lyrics]
One this is clear: this song pertains to the future. Because the shocking youthfulness of Tokyo Police Club freaked me the hell out when I first discovered it a couple years ago, I always thought this song was about young people taking over with their kinder, gentler values. Reading the lyrics, it seems like it's more of an indictment of the current people in power.
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