Monday, August 27, 2007

Best online calendar

Ever since CitySearch was new, I've yearned for an event calendar that didn't suck. So I decided to compare various calendars on offer nowadays. I started with Google Calendar. It was pretty good, but a little clunky. Most of your search results are "events" like "OMG Dave Matthews gota tell Sara." Then I tried Eventful. It made the rest of the competition moot. If it doesn't have an event, you can add it, and you can sync it with everything, and since people know the event they're adding is for everyone, we don't learn about Sara's affinity for Dave Matthews.

Any type of event
Finds Viva Voce in Portland? No, but I added it
Sync with Google Calendar? Yes
Sync with Yes
Facebook integration? Yes
Can easily add events it can't find? Yes
Finds Viva Voce in Seattle? Yes
Finds Wolf Parade in Portland? Yes
Finds Holy Fuck? Yes, but not the time
Sync with Yahoo! Calendar? Yes
Sync with Outlook? Yes
Sync with Upcoming? Yes

Google Calendar
Any type of event
Finds Viva Voce in Portland? No
Sync with Google Calendar? Yes
Can easily add events it can't find? Yes
Finds Viva Voce in Seattle? No
Finds Wolf Parade in Portland? No
Notes: Has a Viva Voce show I didn't know about yet.

Any type of event
Finds Viva Voce in Portland? No
Facebook integration? Yes
Finds Holy Fuck? No
Notes: Froze the fuck out of Firefox twice in a row. Fool me twice, won't get fooled again.

Music only
Finds Viva Voce in Portland? Yes
Facebook integration? Yes
Finds Wolf Parade in Portland? Yes
Finds Holy Fuck? No

When iLike turned up, I loved the possibility that not only could I track the shows I want to see, but my friends both there and on Facebook could see which ones I'd like to go to. Except that I can't, and they can't. I finally did this calendar comparison because neither nor iLike has any idea that Bumbershoot and MusicfestNW are taking place. They don't even list most of the individual shows in either festival. And although I know damn well you can add events to iLike, I couldn't find the link to do it for the life of me.
Music only
Facebook integration? Yes
Can easily add events it can't find? No
Neither nor iLike has any idea that Bumbershoot and MusicfestNW are taking place. They don't even list most of the individual shows in either festival. And although I know damn well you can add events to iLike, I couldn't find the link to do it for the life of me.
Music only
Can easily add events it can't find? Yes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out for more calendar comparing options!